Playing with React Hooks

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This article was written the week following React Conf 2018, after the team announced their proposal for React Hooks.

This article was originally posted on Medium back in 2019, and I've ported it here for historical purposes/nostalgia 😄 Read on

Last week at React Conf 2018 the team announced a new proposal for React Hooks, a new API that allows you to use state and other features more directly without the need for classes. There are no breaking changes and it's completely opt-in, so if you're not hooked just yet (heh) you don't have to use them and can continue using classes, no problems. Pretty exciting stuff!

It's currently only in the proposal stage but if you're like me you love playing around with new features, so you can start integrating them right now with the React v16.7.0-alpha.0 release.

One hook in particular has me pretty excited, and that is useReducer. It offers Redux-like functionality without needing to bring in a separate state management package 😮 Really cool!

With useReducer we get the current state along with a matching dispatch method. This is particularly useful with the new useContext hook, as I discovered while playing around with the two together over the weekend. I created a simple little app that allows you to update the width, height and background of a square.

Inside Context.js we initialize the context and create the reducer, and also create the provider component (AppContextProvider) which wraps around the Controls and Square components (they are siblings). This means when the context is updated via the Controls component, Square is able to get the updates without having to pass any props down. Pretty cool 😃

Let's go over how all this works. Starting in Context.js:


import React from 'react';
// Create the context as AppContext
const AppContext = React.createContext();
// Define some initial state
const initialState = {
width: 320,
height: 250,
activeColor: '#F44336',
// Create the reducer
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'width':
return { ...state, width: action.payload };
case 'height':
return { ...state, height: action.payload };
case 'activeColor':
return { ...state, activeColor: action.payload };
return initialState;
const AppContextProvider = props => {
// Create the provider as AppContextProvider
// useReducer uses the above reducer and initial state, and returns
// the current state and matching dispatch method
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
// Return the Provider and pass through the state and dispatch as value
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>
// Make sure to export both context and provider
export { AppContext, AppContextProvider };

You don't have to create the Provider in a separate component like above, but I like doing it that way because it keeps things very clean in App.js. Personal preference 🤷‍

The resulting App.js imports the Provider which then wraps around the components, enabling them to subscribe to the context changes.


import { AppContextProvider } from 'path/to/Context';
// Import our other components
import Controls from 'path/to/Controls';
import Square from 'path/to/Square';
export default function App() {
return (
// Wrap the Provider around our components. Nice and clean!
<Controls />
<Square />

In the Controls component, we then have to import the context for use with useContext. From that, we can pull off the state and dispatch.


import React from 'react';
import { AppContext } from 'path/to/context';
export default function Controls() {
// Use AppContext as the context and pull off state and dispatch
const { state, dispatch } = React.useContext(AppContext);
// Create the functions to update state, using the dispatch method passed in
// from the provider
const setWidth = value => dispatch({ type: 'width', payload: value });
const setHeight = value => dispatch({ type: 'height', payload: value });
const setActiveColor = color =>
dispatch({ type: 'activeColor', payload: color });
return (
// Now we can update state using each of the above functions in the
// onChange handler e.g. with the color picker that would look like:
onChange={color => setActiveColor(color.hex)}

And then all we have to do in Square component is pull the state off from the context and pass it down as props for styling (I'm using styled-components). Easy peasy!


import { AppContext } from '../../context';
export default function Square() {
// Use AppContext as the context and pull off state
const { state } = useContext(AppContext);
// Pull off specific state from the context
const { width, height, activeColor } = state;
return (
// Pass state down as props
// And use within the styled-component
const SquareStyle = styled.div`
background: ${props => props.activeColor};
height: ${props => props.height + 'px'};
width: ${props => props.width + 'px'};

After some inevitable initial confusion, I feel like ultimately hooks are pretty intuitive to me. I'm excited to see where things go and welcome the new addition to React. Will definitely be using them down the line when they are officially released.

Thanks for reading, and if you want to dive deeper into the above, the code is available on Github 👍